Академска и начни докази
Влезете во која било училница на Helen Doron и ќе најдете деца во средината на радосно учење, игра и откривање. Децата учат без напор преку забавни, адаптирани на возраста активности и позитивни повратни информации од учителите.
Нашата методологија, базирана на 40 години образовно искуство и докажан успех, вклучува наставна програма која вдомува љубов кон учењето преку позитивна стимулација и поддржувачка средина. Учениците на Helen Doron сакаат да учат и учат како да учат.
Ние изучуваме јазик, писменост, па дури и математика со оригинални и привлечни песни. Преку музика и танц ги стимулираме умовите на децата и им овозможуваме да ги истражат своите способности. Нашите програми се базираат на научни сознанија дека изложеноста на музика го зголемува развојот на мозокот, создава нови мозочни синапси и развива вештини во многу други области, вклучувајќи математика и јазик.
Оценување на ефикасноста на едукација на предучилишна возраст во три унгарски градови
Од д-р Јудит Ковач
Германско академско истражување покажува 97% задоволство кај родителите на учениците во Helen Doron
Од професор Хајнер Бетгер
An Examination of the Helen Doron Early English Methodology
By Masaryk University Faculty of Education, Czech Republic
This study looks closely at the Helen Doron methodology for teaching English to very young learners. It provides an in-depth introduction to the principles of the methodology and shows how it links to child development and to the nature of child learners. The official lesson plans provided by the Helen Doron Early English methodology are analysed as well. Based on expert opinions in the respective areas, the Helen Doron Early English methodology, on the whole, was found valid and appropriate to child learners.
Teaching English to Very Young Learners
Dora Rolj Kovačević, Prof. Dr. sc. Višnja Pavičić Takač
This study concluded that children need hands-on activities to engage in their own learning.
Teachers provide a range of activities to get young learners’ attention and arouse constant interest. Physical activities contribute positively to learning when coordinated with language. It is also possible to make use of fine-motor activities in classroom activities. Studies show that early language acquisition is necessary to reach native-like proficiency, especially in pronunciation. While there is a consensus on the presence of critical period, it is pointed out that there is no single age but the ability to acquire a language decreases over time.
Finally, researchers also find out that cognitive development affects the language acquisition process as well as language development. Therefore, older learners who are cognitively mature have faster start but it is only short term advantage over young learners. As a final note, further research is necessary on young learners’ learning process and their learning styles. There is also a limited number of studies on future effects of early start in acquiring the foreign language rather than the second language. Future research should focus on age factor in proficiency of each skill and teaching very young learners a foreign language in accord with appropriate activities.
Neuroscience and the Bilingual Brain
By Dr Judy Willis
More languages lead to more efficient processing. Compared to monolinguals, bilingual children develop greater attention focus, distraction resistance, decision-making judgment and responsiveness to feedback. The correlated fMRI scans of these children reveal more activity in the prefrontal cortex networks that control these executive functions.