Springtime Around the World: How Different Countries Celebrate Spring and Easter
Springtime is celebrated in many ways around the world, as various cultures and countries put their own unique spin on these joyous occasions. From brightly coloured eggs to cherry blossom picnics, the traditions that mark the arrival of spring are as diverse as the people who celebrate them. Let’s take a trip around the globe and explore some of the fascinating and inspiring Easter customs from different parts of the world!

German Easter traditions include many of what we know as universal: painting Easter eggs, baskets filled with sweets, and, most importantly, the Easter Bunny. Most of these traditions are said to have originated in Germany hundreds of years ago. One uniquely German Easter tradition is the “Ostereierbaum” – the Easter Egg Tree. As soon as winter is over, handcrafted eggs dangle from the branches of birch trees, symbolising new life and fertility. German towns are painted in a sea of pastels to celebrate the spring.
The Persian New Year, known as “Nowruz”, is celebrated on the first spring day in Iran. This is a time for cleaning and decluttering, as well as spending time with loved ones. People set up a Haft-Seen table with seven symbolic items representing the seven creations and the seven holy immortals in Zoroastrianism.

While the Northern Hemisphere celebrates Easter in the springtime, in Australia, the holiday falls in autumn. But even though bunnies aren’t native to Down Under, that doesn’t stop Aussies from celebrating – they just have a different furry friend to do the job. Instead of the Easter Bunny, Australians have the “Easter Bilby” to deliver their Easter Eggs!
“Las Fallas” is a festival in Valencia, Spain, that takes place in March to celebrate the arrival of spring. Huge papier-mâché figures are built and displayed throughout the city, and then set on fire on the final day of the festival to symbolise the end of winter. During this festival, the people of Valencia also wear traditional clothing, with the Falleres’ elaborate dresses and headdresses being a highlight. The celebration includes fireworks, parades, and music – a time for revelry and excitement.

When spring arrives to Japan, the season of cherry blossoms begins! The arrival of the cherry blossoms, or “Sakura”, is a much-anticipated event that marks the start of spring for the Japanese people. Families and friends gather under the cherry blossom trees to enjoy picnics and celebrate the “Hanami” (“Flower Viewing”) festival. It is a time for people to appreciate the beauty of the cherry blossoms and reflect on the transience of life. The cherry blossoms only last a few short weeks, reminding people to appreciate the present moment and to live in the present. The festival is a time to connect with nature and to appreciate the simple things in life.
In India, the “Holi Festival” is a joyful celebration of spring, also known as the “Festival of Colours”. During this vibrant occasion, people throw coloured powder and water on each other in a spirit of love and unity. It’s a time for forgiveness, healing, and new beginnings.
And at Helen Doron English, we celebrate spring with words! 😎.
5 English Idioms with the Word “Spring”

1. Spring to Life
To suddenly become active or livelier.
Just like flowers spring out of the ground after a long winter, and bee hives buzz with activity, people around the world also stir to life to welcome spring.
Some air out their homes and do their spring cleaning. Others engage in festive celebrations. Everyone and everything spring to life like a slinky-spring toy!

2. Spring to Mind
To suddenly think of something.
What springs to mind when you hear the word “spring”?
Sunshine, daises, bees, and bunnies are just some of the things that pop in our heads when someone mentions springtime. It’s a celebration of nature!

3. A Spring in One’s Step
Enthusiasm, energy or a positive outlook or cheerful attitude. Bunnies hop happily in grassy meadows, and people walk around with a bouncy spring in their step, greeting the sun with a smile. Spring brings with it a new and exciting energy, along with a fresh and hopeful outlook on the months to come. People cheerfully greet the springtime in all sorts of colourful celebrations!

4. Spring Something on Someone
To surprise someone with something unexpected.
Everyone’s getting ready to go on spring break, but suddenly your teacher requests that you stay behind and help a classmate with spring cleaning. You might feel it’s unfair, right?
Most people don’t appreciate when someone springs something on them last minute. But EVEYRONE appreciates spring when it arrives, all colourful and sunny and full of blossoming scents!

5. Spring Back
To recover quickly. Just like when a cat falls, it always springs back to his feet, nature always renews itself after a cold winter. Flowers bloom, animals awaken from their long slumber, and snow slowly melts away under the warm sunshine. Love is in the air as nature recovers from the cold, giving people plenty of reasons to celebrate!