Англиски за деца

Благодарение на нашиот уникатен метод, децата го апсорбираат англискиот јазик природно и без напор. Нашите ученици учат преку практично искуство, што го прави процесот на учење по значаен и разбирлив. Тие не чувствуваат дека учат додека се забавуваат со пријателите.

Користиме песни, реквизити, приказни и анимирани епизоди за да го зајакнеме вокабуларот и граматиката со широк спектар на програми внимателно структурирани за различни возрасти и нивоа на англиски јазик. Децата се поврзуваат и ангажираат со содржина која остава траен впечаток на нивниот ум.


Fun with Flupe

Возраст: 3-6 години

Преку возбудливи авантури во магичната книга на рими малите деца изучуаат вокабулар, правилен изговор и основите на структурата на англискиот јазик.

Детали за курсот >

Fun with Flupe

Возраст: 3-6 години

Преку возбудливи авантури во магичната книга на рими малите деца изучуаат вокабулар, правилен изговор и основите на структурата на англискиот јазик.



Број на часови

72 лекции (два пати неделно по 45 минути, во тек на 9 месеци)

Научен вокабулар

 650 зборови

Должина на лекцијата

45 минути



Број на часови

72 лекции (два пати неделно по 45 минути, во тек на 9 месеци)

Научен вокабулар

 650 зборови

Должина на лекцијата

45 минути


More Fun with Flupe

Возраст: 5 до 6 години

Во оваа продолжена програма, учениците не можат да чекаат да откријат како ги решаваат проблемите на самовилите, магионичарите и змејовите кои ги среќаваат по патот.

Детали за курсот >

Helen Doron English Course Logo More Fun With Flupe
Helen Doron English Course Logo More Fun With Flupe

More Fun with Flupe

Возраст: 5 до 6 години

Во оваа продолжена програма, учениците не можат да чекаат да откријат како ги решаваат проблемите на самовилите, магионичарите и змејовите кои ги среќаваат по патот.


Продолжително: Наменето за ученици кои ја завршиле програмата “Fun with Flupe”

Број на часови

72 лекции (два пати неделно по 45 минути, во тек на 9 месеци)

Научен вокабулар

650 зборови

Должина на лекцијата

45 минути

Helen Doron English Course Book More Fun With Flupe


Продолжително: Наменето за ученици кои ја завршиле програмата “Fun with Flupe”

Број на часови

72 лекции (два пати неделно по 45 минути, во тек на 9 месеци)

Научен вокабулар

650 зборови

Должина на лекцијата

45 минути


Helen Doron English Course Logo Nat and Friends
Helen Doron English Course Logo Nat and Friends

Nat and Friends

Age: 5 to 6 years

In this delightful course, children enjoy traditional stories with a modern twist. They are also exposed to different values, such as friendship, generosity, perseverance, and gratitude.

Детали за курсот >

Nat and Friends

Age: 5 to 6 years

In this delightful course, children enjoy traditional stories with a modern twist. They are also exposed to different values, such as friendship, generosity, perseverance, and gratitude.



Number of Lessons

40 lessons
(80 lessons if taught twice weekly)

Vocabulary Learned

700 words

Lesson Length

45 – 60 minutes

Helen Doron English Course Book Nat and Friends



Number of Lessons

40 lessons
(80 lessons if taught twice weekly)

Vocabulary Learned

700 words

Lesson Length

45 – 60 minutes


More Nat and Friends

Age: 6 to 7 years

The fun continues as Nat and friends travel the world together and meet new characters from familiar children’s classics, and help them solve problems. They are also exposed to essential values, such as friendship, honesty, and helping others.

Детали за курсот >

More Nat and Friends

Age: 6 to 7 years

The fun continues as Nat and friends travel the world together and meet new characters from familiar children’s classics, and help them solve problems. They are also exposed to essential values, such as friendship, honesty, and helping others.


Students who completed “Nat and Friends”

Number of Lessons

40 lessons
(80 lessons if taught twice weekly)

Vocabulary Learned

700 words

Lesson Length

45 – 60 minutes

Helen Doron English Course Book More Nat and Friends


Students who completed “Nat and Friends”

Number of Lessons

40 lessons
(80 lessons if taught twice weekly)

Vocabulary Learned

700 words

Lesson Length

45 – 60 minutes


Helen Doron English Course Logo More Jump With Joey

Jump With Joey

Age: 6 to 9 years

Through engaging content, children learn a vast vocabulary and essential values such as friendship and protecting the environment. A workbook for reading and writing practise is an optional addition to the course for students with basic reading skills.

Детали за курсот >

Helen Doron English Course Logo Jump With Joey
Helen Doron English Course Logo Jump With Joey

Jump With Joey

Age: 6 to 9 years

Through engaging content, children learn a vast vocabulary and essential values such as friendship and protecting the environment. A workbook for reading and writing practise is an optional addition to the course for students with basic reading skills.



Number of Lessons

40 lessons
(80 lessons if taught twice weekly)

Vocabulary Learned

900 words

Lesson Length

45 – 60 minutes

Helen Doron English Courses Jump with Joey



Number of Lessons

40 lessons
(80 lessons if taught twice weekly)

Vocabulary Learned

900 words

Lesson Length

45-60 minutes


Helen Doron English Course Logo More Jump With Joey
Helen Doron English Course Logo More Jump With Joey

More Jump With Joey

Age: 6 to 9 years

“Jump with Joey” graduates learn more advanced language structures and broaden their vocabulary. Students learn essential values such as appreciating different perspectives, overcoming fears and obstacles, and avoiding prejudice.

Course Details >

More Jump With Joey

Age: 6 to 9 years

“Jump with Joey” graduates learn more advanced language structures and broaden their vocabulary. Students learn essential values such as appreciating different perspectives, overcoming fears and obstacles, and avoiding prejudice.


Students who completed “Jump with Joey”

Number of Lessons

40 lessons
(80 lessons if taught twice weekly)

Vocabulary Learned

950 words

Lesson Length

45 – 60 minutes

Helen Doron English Courses More Jump with Joey


Students who completed “Jump with Joey”

Number of Lessons

40 lessons
(80 lessons if taught twice weekly)

Vocabulary Learned

950 words

Lesson Length

45-60 minutes



Age: 6 to 9 years

This course is taught with an exciting animated series, games, apps, and activity books. Children learn the fundamentals of reading and a vocabulary of 1200 words. As the story unfolds, students learn important life values.

Course Details >


Age: 6 to 9 years

This course is taught with an exciting animated series, games, apps, and activity books. Children learn the fundamentals of reading and a vocabulary of 1200 words. As the story unfolds, students learn important life values.


Primary School

Number of Lessons

40 lessons
(80 lessons if taught twice weekly)

Vocabulary Learned

1200 words

Lesson Length

60 – 90 minutes

Helen Doron English Course Book Alphaboat


Primary School

Number of Lessons

40 lessons
(80 lessons if taught twice weekly)

Vocabulary Learned

1200 words

Lesson Length

60 – 90 minutes


Helen Doron English Course Logo A Tale of Two Tails
Helen Doron English Course Logo A Tale of Two Tails

A Tale of Two Tails

Age: 6 to 11 years

This exciting course includes singing, dancing, and drama based upon an original three-act musical play. Students attending twice a week can also learn acting and self-expression skills.

Course Details >

A Tale of Two Tails

Age: 6 to 11 years

This exciting course includes singing, dancing, and drama based upon an original three-act musical play. Students attending twice a week can also learn acting and self-expression skills.



Number of Lessons

40 lessons
(80 lessons if taught twice weekly)

Vocabulary Learned

1000 words

Lesson Length

45 – 60 minutes

Helen Doron English Course Book A Tale of Two Tails



Number of Lessons

40 lessons
(80 lessons if taught twice weekly)

Vocabulary Learned

1000 words

Lesson Length

45-60 minutes
